Saturday 24 August 2024

A further Working Bee & lunch is organised for Saturday the 24th August 7.30 – 12 midday to complete both these areas before Spring has sprung!

Please come and join the fun. Bring a mattock and long handled spade if you have one.

Please let us know you are coming for catering purposes.

Hope to see you there.


Weekend 10/11 August 2024


A very successful working bee was held last weekend (10/11 August 2024) at Historic New Italy.

Those who came to help were –
Brett Tobin – a local
Ben Quinn – a traveller who stayed over to lend a hand – much appreciated!
Jamie Herring – volunteer / committee member
Peter Blackwood – volunteer / NIMI member
Michele Bertoli – volunteer / committee member
Fran Muggleton – volunteer / gift shop
Judith Tapaki – volunteer / gift shop
Leone Stibbard – volunteer / museum
Cynthia McKeough – volunteer / museum
Gail Williams – volunteer / gift shop / committee member

Tony Carusi was unable to attend but gave a donation of sugar cane mulch.
Bunnings Ballina kindly donated $180 worth of fertilizer, Seasol, bamboo stakes, buckets & spray markers.

We were able to plant out 35 metres of a visual screen between the Parkland and the back car park.
This will eventually form a more private area within the Parkland for open air concerts and private functions – like outdoor weddings.
Speaking of weddings, a heart shaped garden bed had been placed around a beautiful tree within the Park of Peace last year.
Further plantings were carried out to accentuate the shape with a view that this will be the “Wedding Tree”.


© 2024 New Italy Museum Inc.