New Italy Museum Inc. AGM

The New Italy Museum Inc holds it's annual general meeting within 6 months of the close of the financial year (30 June), generally in November or early December.

The date and venue are made known to the membership by email and posted mail.

All members are encouraged to attend.

Notice of the 2023 Annual General Meeting

When: 11am, Sunday 5 November 2023 

Where: Italian Pavilion, Historic New Italy 

8275 Pacific Highway, NEW ITALY, NSW 

Items of Business 

  1. To confirm the minutes of the 2022 Annual General Meeting held on Sunday 6 November 2022; 
  2. To receive from the Committee of Management reports on the activities of The New Italy Museum Inc. during the financial year ended 30 June 2023; 
  3. To receive and consider a statement on the finances of The New Italy Museum Inc. as required to be submitted to members under s.26(6) of the Associations Incorporation Act 1984; and 
  4. To elect officer-bearers of The New Italy Museum Inc. and ordinary members of the Committee of Management. 

Download the NOTICE and NOMINATION and PROXY document.

© 2024 New Italy Museum Inc.